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BIOLOGY 101 – Semen

Posted: May 8, 2014 in Uncategorized

A bullied 10th grader allegedly servedsemen-filled cupcakes to her tormentors at a Bakersfield high school recently. While we don’t condone that sort of behavior, we’d be lying if we said it didn’t make us chuckle just a little.

The whole thing got us thinking about the nutritional benefits of cum. So, like the studious gays we are, we did some research on the subject, and unearthed all sorts of mind-blowing information about man juice that we didn’t know we didn’t know.

Check out these 10 fun facts you may or may not have known about semen.

10. The discovery of sperm

Sperm was first discovered in 1674 by Dutch microscope maker Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. The story goes Mr. van Leeuwenhoek was sitting at home one day when he decided to take a peek at his semen under a microscope because — well — why not? What else was there to do on a rainy day in the 17th century? What he found were a bunch of “very little animalcules” (that’s an old-fashioned word for tiny animals) swimming around. He recorded his observations in his diary. Two years later, in October 1676, he shared them with the Royal Society, where the information caused quite a sensation. As a result, today van Leeuwenhoek is considered to be the father of microbiology.

9. Ingredients in semen

Contrary to popular belief, semen is not made up entirely of sperm. A tablespoon of ejaculate contains only 1% of actual sperm. The other 99 percent is a combination of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), calcium, citric acid, enzymes, fructose sugar, phosphate and bicarbonate buffers, protein, water and zinc.

8. The prevention of tooth decay

Because semen contains zinc, calcium, and other minerals, it can potentially help fight tooth decay, as well as boost the immune and nervous systems. Of course, it’s not nearly as effective as toothpaste, but it’s an alternative should you ever find yourself at a man’s house without a toothbrush handy. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t leave quite the same minty fresh aftertaste.

7. Speaking of taste…

A man’s diet greatly impacts the flavor of his semen. This incredibly informative chart may help explain why the taste of your partner’s cum varies from day to day:

6. The majority of men, gay and straight, have tasted their own semen… and liked it

A 2010 questionnaire found that 57 percent of men surveyed had tasted their own semen and enjoyed the flavor, compared to 11 percent who said they did not enjoy it. 22 percent of men surveyed said they had not tasted their own semen, compared to 7 percent who said they had done so, but on accident. 2 percent of men surveyed said that they had never tasted their own semen, but they had tasted semen belonging to another man. Fascinating.

5. There are products designed to make semen taste better.

Semenex claims to be the “first and only all-natural, patented shake mix for men” that can add zest to semen. The 100 percent vegetarian powder reportedly tastes like “liquid pumpkin pie” and contains concentrated pineapple, banana, strawberry, broccoli, and celery, plus three essential spices and a selection of vitamins and minerals. Basically, you drink the crap and then 24 hours later, your cum tastes better. 10 servings cost $44.95. That’s approximately $4.50 per flavorful ejaculation.

5. Sperm softens the skin

Sperm contains spermine, an anti-oxidant believed to help diminish wrinkles, smooth skin, and clear up acne. Proving that whenever there is money to be made, somebody somewhere will find a way to make it, Bioforskning, a Norwegian company, has begun synthesizing spermine and selling it as a facial cream to spas around the world. But it doesn’t come cheap. A spermine facial at one New York spa runs around $250.

4. There is a cookbook devoted entirely to semen-based recipes

Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties,” the description for chef Paul “Fotie” Photenhauer‘s cookbook Natural Harvest: A Collection of Semen-based Recipes reads. “Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic.” The 62-page cookbook contains dozens of recipes that feature semen as the main ingredient. Photenhauer also hasanother book with recipes for semen-infused alcoholic beverages. Yes, it’s slightly disturbing, a little disgusting, and 100 percent legit.

3. Alternative names for semen

There have been a number of nicknames given to semen over the decades, including: baby batter, jizz, spunk, trouser gravy, splooge, man chowder, two-ball compound, nut, man jam and pecker spit, among others.

2. Low in calories, low in protein

Rumor once had it that a single load of jizz contained about 20 calories and the same amount of protein as an egg white. In truth, the average male’s load only has 0.7 calories and 171 milligrams of protein. A person would have to ingest 4 ounces of semen to get the same amount of protein they would from an egg white. And considering that the average male’s load is only about 3/4 of a tablespoon, that’s a lockjaw-induing number of BJs.

1. Health hazards

Semen itself is not harmful to your health when swallowed, but if your partner has an STD, you can be exposed to it by having his spunk in your mouth. According to the San Francisco City Clinic, “oral sex provides the greatest risk for exposure to certain STDs such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and shigella (if your partner has just topped someone else unprotected).” One way of preventing this from happening is by using condoms. These days, you can get them in just about almost any flavor: chocolate, banana, chocolate banana, cotton candy, mint, grape, strawberry, even cannabis. Seriously. A new pot-flavored condom just hit the market. Now that’s something we’d love to wrap our lips around!

via queerty


It seems like you can find anything at your local Wal-Mart, and most of the products are of course made in China these days. But that doesn’t mean that you’ll feel at home when you walk into a Wal-Mart in China. It’s quite the contrary based on these pictures. After all, China is known for its exotic, if not eccentric, food tastes. Take a look.


Turns out straight male jocks actually aregetting as close in the locker room as you had hoped.

According to a recent study out of the UK, nearly 93 percent of male athletes surveyed said they’ve enjoyed cuddling and/or spooning with male friends on a regular basis and — better yet — don’t understand why American bros don’t cuddle more often. Of the 40 participants surveyed, 39 also revealed that they’ve shared a bed with another man since starting college.

Published in March in the journal of Men and Masculinitiesthe study observed the social habits of 18 and 19-year-old white, middle-income college students enrolled in study co-author Eric Anderson’s sociology of sports class at the University of Winchester. Along with co-author Mark McCormack of Durham University, Anderson concludes that homosocial behaviors becoming more acceptable among heterosexual friends is a sign of the times.

Or, more specifically, “the expansion of esteemed homosocial behaviors for heterosexual men is evidence of an expansion of changing conceptions of masculinity in contemporary culture.”

“We knew they [straight males] were hugging and cuddling, and we wanted to understand this phenomenon in more detail,” McCormack said in an interview with HuffPo. “They don’t realize this is something that older men would find shocking; It’s older generations that think men cuddling is taboo,” he said.

He continues:

“The social taboo against cuddling has been because for two men to get close was traditionally seen as ‘gay’. Men wanted to avoid being the target of homophobic abuse, so they would be macho to distance themselves from any perception of homosexuality. But there is a generational effect here: Older men who grew up in the 1980s may still feel the need to present a very straight version of themselves, but more positive attitudes toward homosexuality in contemporary culture mean that younger men are simply less concerned about how other people view their behaviors.”

As a result, it seems modern teenagers aren’t too concerned with “defending” their heterosexuality. And who in their right mind would ever reject a bro cuddle?

Students and test subjects Jarrett and Max explain:

Without being prompted, Jarrett repeatedly stressed the amount of cuddling he and his mates engage in. ‘‘We’re always cuddling, my lot. We’re all comfortable with each other.’’ Others highlight that cuddling occurs during the day and will often be described as ‘‘a quick cuddle.’’ John praised these short interactions, saying ‘‘I love a quick cuddle, just so you remember your friends are about and are there for you.’’

It’s worth noting that these are European teenagers — men from a continent where rugby players use making out as a celebratory gesture. It might take some time for ‘bro cuddles’ to catch on here in the States, but I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re totally ready for this to happen.


Here’s What You Need To Know Before You Tip Someone:

The Stats

The most critical step in avoiding Ambiguous Tipping Situations is just knowing what you’re supposed to do:


This table nicely fills in key gaps in my previous knowledge. The basic idea with the low/average/high tipping levels used above is that if you’re in the average range, you’re fine and forgotten. If you’re in the low or high range, you’re noticed and remembered. And service workers have memories like elephants.


11 Other Interesting Findings and Facts:

1) Different demographics absolutely do tip differently. “Do any demographics of people — age, gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, profession — tend to tip differently than others?” ran away with the “Most Uncomfortable Question to Ask or Answer” award during my interviews, but it yielded some pretty interesting info. I only took seriously a viewpoint I heard at least three times, and in this post, I’m only including those viewpoints that were backed up by my online research and Lynn’s statistical studies.

Here’s the overview, which is a visualization of the results of Lynn’s polling of over 1,000 waiters. Below, each category of customer is placed at their average rating over the 1,000+ waiter surveys in the study:


Fascinating and awkward. Throughout my interviews, I heard a lot of opinions reinforcing what’s on that chart and almost none that contradicted it. The easiest one for people to focus on was foreigners being bad tippers, because A) it’s not really a demographic so it’s less awkward, and B) people could blame it on them “not knowing,” if they didn’t want to be mean. Others, though, scoffed at that, saying, “Oh they know…” As far as foreigners go, the French have the worst reputation.

People also consistently said that those who act “entitled” or “fussy” or “like the world’s out to get them” are usually terrible tippers.

On the good-tipping side, people who are vacationing or drunk (or both) tip well, as do “regulars” who get to know the staff, and of course, the group of people everyone agrees are the best tippers are those who also work in the service industry (which, frankly, creeped me out by the end — they’re pretty cultish and weird about how they feel about tipping each other well).

2) Here are six proven ways for waiters to increase their tips:

  • Be the opposite gender of your customer
  • Ideally, be a slender, attractive, big-breasted blond in your 30s
  • Introduce yourself by name
  • Sit at the table or squat next to it when taking the order
  • Touch the customer, in a non-creepy way
  • Give the customer candy when you bring the check

Of course those things work. Humans are simple.

3) A few different people said that when a tip is low, they assume the customer is cheap or hurting for money, but when it’s high, they assume it’s because they did a great job serving the customer or because they’re likable (not that the customer is generous).

4) When a guy tips an attractive female an exorbitant amount, it doesn’t make her think he’s rich or generous or a big shot — it makes her think he’s trying to impress her. Very transparent and ineffective, but she’s pleased to have the extra money.

5) Don’t put a zero in the tip box if it’s a situation when you’re not tipping — it apparently comes off as mean and unnecessary. Just leave it blank and write in the total.

6) According to valets and bellmen, when people hand them a tip, they almost always do the “double fold” where they fold the bills in half twice and hand it to them with the numbers facing down so the amount of the tip is hidden. However, when someone’s giving a really great tip, they usually hand them the bills unfolded and with the amount showing.

7) Some notes about other tipping professions I didn’t mention above:

  • Apparently no one tips flight attendants, and if you do, you’ll probably receive free drinks thereafter.
  • Golf caddies say that golfers tip better when they play better, but they always tip the best when it’s happening in front of clients.
  • Tattoo artists expect $10-20 on a $100 job and $40-60 on a $400 job, but they get nothing from 30% of people.
  • massage therapist expects a $15-20 tip and receives one 95% of the time — about half of a massage therapist’s income is tips.
  • whitewater rafting guide said he always got the best tips after a raft flipped over or something happened where people felt in danger.
  • Strippers not only usually receive no salary, they often receive a negative salary — i.e. they need to pay the club a fee in order to work there.

8) According to Lynn, tips in the US add up to $40 billion each year. This is more than double NASA’s budget.

9) The US is the most tip-crazed country in the world, but there’s a wide variety of tipping customs in other countries. Tipping expert Magnus Thor Torfason’s research shows that 31 service professions involve tipping in the US. That number is 27 in Canada, 27 in India, 15 in the Netherlands, 5-10 throughout Scandinavia, 4 in Japan, and 0 in Iceland.

10) The amount of tipping in a country tends to correlate with the amount of corruption in the country. This is true even after controlling for factors like national GDP and crime levels. The theory is that the same norms that encourage tipping end up leaking over into other forms of exchange. The US doesn’t contribute to this general correlation, with relatively low corruption levels.

11) Celebrities should tip well, because the person they tip will tell everyone they know about it forever, and everyone they tell will tell everyone they know about it forever.

For example: A friend of mine served Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family at a fancy lunch place in Santa Monica called Cafe Montana. Since he was the governor, they comped him the meal. And he left a $5 bill as the tip. I’ve told that story to a lot of people.

  • Celebrities known to tip well (these are the names that come up again and again in articles about this): Johnny Depp, Charles Barkley, David Letterman, Bill Murray, Charlie Sheen, Drew Barrymore
  • Celebrities known to tip badly: Tiger Woods, Mariah Carey, LeBron James, Heidi Klum, Bill Cosby, Madonna, Barbara Streisand, Rachael Ray, Sean Penn, Usher